uploads/live room.jpg

live room 交混回響室。

live steam

Let us repair to the living room for some goodbyes . . 咱們到客廳去吧,說些告別的話. .

The picture has been hung in the living room 那幅畫已經被掛在了起居室了

Living room with guest washroom separate bath and shower stall 乾濕分離淋浴間起居室

Standard triple suite two bedroom and one living room 標準雙人套房二室二廳

No . there ' s a new addition to my living room 不是。是我的客廳又添新貨了。

You know , l come home one day . l stand in my living room 某一天我回到家站在客廳里

You know , i come home one day . i stand in my living room 某一天我回到家站在客廳里

The wall of my living room was hung with a tapestry 我的起居室的墻上掛著一塊壁毯。

Get off the damn car , this ain ' t your living room 別動那車,這不是你的客廳

Our clavichord is kept in the living room 我們的這架古鋼琴存放在起居室里。

No one sets foot in the living room - conrad shouting 任何人不許踏進臥室半步-

Wenny and jason are watching tv in the living room 溫妮和杰森在客廳看電視。

The cats have every right to be in the living room 貓有絕對的權力呆在客廳。

Cynthia : i will try to put it in the living room 辛西亞:我想,把它放到客廳試試看。

I ' ll tie him up naked in patrick ' s living room 我要把他光著身子綁在派屈克的客廳里

Uh , yeah ! i put it on the couch in the living room 呃,來了!我放在客廳沙發上的!

After dinner , the men withdrew to the living room 宴會后,男人們回到客廳去。

I ' m not the one growing a grapevine in my living room 我不是在客廳中種葡萄藤的人

John : yes , i want to buy a living room set 約翰:是的,我想買一套客廳家具。